Call For Proposals

There is no open call for proposals

Evaluation & Selection Process

The evaluation and selection process followed open, transparent and merit -based procedures to ensure that all applications were evaluated in a competent and impartial manner. Standard evaluation criteria and scoring were used.

Selection Process Stages

Evaluation process stages
  • There were 6 stages in the selection process including an International Peer Review stage and an Interview Stage.
  • Feedback was provided to applicants throughout the evaluation process.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation criteria table
  • Standard evaluation criteria were be used in the International Peer Review and Interview Stage. There were 3 evaluation criteriaExcellence, Impact and Implementation.
  • Weighting: The evaluation criteria are weighted differently, and the set of weightings shown was applied to the scores provided for each criterion. 
  • Priority ranking was used to rank applications that achieved exactly the same score.


Scoring table
  • Eligible applications were first scored during the International Peer Review Stage. Applications that proceeded to the Interview Stage received a second score for that stage.
  • A score between 0 (very poor) and 5 (excellent) was provided for each of the three evaluation criteria as a whole.
  • The corresponding weighting was applied to the scores provided.
  • The weighted scores for each criterion were added, producing a final weighted score. After each stage, the maximum final score for a given application was 5 (excellent).


  • An overall threshold of 70% applied to the weighted score produced for each proposal. Therefore, only proposals with a peer review score equal to or higher than 3.5 proceeded to the interview stage. The same threshold applied to the interview stage.

Ranking and Funding Decision

  • The final application score was produced by adding the weighted scores from the international peer review and interview stages with equal weighting leading to a final mark between 0 and 10.
  • Only applications scoring above 7.0 were considered for funding.
  • The applications were ranked taking into account the final mark.
  • Upon a favourable funding decision, applicants were offered an employment contract for the duration of their fellowship from their academic supervisor’s host institution. The remaining applicants scoring above the threshold were placed on a waiting list.