Dr Irina Tal is an Assistant Professor and Academic Lead MSc in Blockchain at Dublin City University (DCU). She is the DCU PI of Digital Europe Programme SEEBLOCKS project (seeblocks.eu), the DCU PI of the Erasmus+ NEXT project (nextstudy.eu), collaborator on DigiAdvance project (https://digiadvance.eu/) and SFI BLOCKCHAINED project (https://www.sfi.ie/challenges/sustainable-communities-challenge/Block-Chained/). She was the PI of the SFI PRIVATT project.
Prior to joining DCU as an Assistant Professor, Irina was a Lecturer with National College of Ireland and Programme Director MSc Cybersecurity (part-time) and BSc in Computing and Business Information Systems (3rd and 4th years). She was also a Postdoctoral Researcher at DCU working on a H2020 EU project in the area of technology-enhanced learning.
Her research interests are in the following areas: cyber security, applications of blockchain, technology-enhanced learning, vehicular communications and smart cities.