Dr Tracey Mehigan is an Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator at the School of Computing DCU. She was formerly a Research Fellow at the Innovation Value Institute, IVI, Maynooth University investigating practices in Digital Retail.
Her background is in business management and computer science and her research is centred on Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Her main focus is on the improvement of user interaction, experience and accessibility in smart systems. She is particularly interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for adaptive and personalised user systems, biometric-based user behaviour analysis, AI-based user modelling and Affective Computing.
She has worked across a number of European, SFI and Enterprise Ireland funded projects in the areas of digital retail, intelligent education sysstems, eHealth, smart buildings and accessible systems. She has worked with Irish and European based academics, industry partners and leading Irish research centres including ASSERT and the Insight SFI Centre for Data Analytics. She has authored a number of academic articles, journal papers and book chapters and has presented her work at international conferences. Tracey is a member of SIGCHI Ireland, ILTA (Irish Learning and Technology Association), and the Interaction Design, E-learning and Speech (IDEAS) Research Group University College Cork, she is also an associate member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI).