Dr. Cristiano Storni is an Associate professor (A) and senior researcher in Interaction Design. He is the director of the Interaction Design Centre at the University of Limerick (Department of Computer Science and Information System). For 12 years he has been the director of the Master Programme in Interaction and Experience Design. Cristiano was trained in Human Computer Interaction and Cognitive Science with a Laurea (summa cum Laude) at the University of Siena. He was then awarded with a PhD in Information systems and Organisation at the University of Trento (Sociology and Social Research). In his PhD, Cristiano has studied Science and Technology studies (especially Actor Network Theory), Organisational studies, Ethnography, and Participatory Design. He has been teaching for many years in the areas of HCI and Interaction Design, participatory design, Science and Technology studies and Qualitative social research. He has extensive research and teaching experience in Ireland, Italy, and Austria.
His research lies at the intersection of social science, human computer interaction, and design disciplines. His work is multidisciplinary in nature and concerns design theory and practice, social shaping of technology and technological impact at individual, organisation, and societal levels, participatory approaches to human-centred design in different application areas including health care, social innovation, sustainability and inclusion. He has worked in national and international projects in these areas and he has published extensively (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sQIefgEAAAAJ&hl=en ) especially in health care, and innovation/design theory. In health care, he studied self-care practices and technology in chronic diseases with researches and numerous publications on Diabetes, Peadiatric diabetes, health education, inclusion, and neuro-diversity. In the design areas, Dr. Storni is working on the ‘coming together’ of design (participatory and interactive) and Actor Network Theory.
Dr. Storni is a long standing member of the Participatory Design community and have been often involved in its organising and programme committees. He is also part of the editorial board of CoDesign – the International Journal of Co-creation in design and the arts (ISI, Taylor and Francis). Cristiano is a regular reviewer for a number of top Journals and conference in the field (e.g. Participatory Design Conference, CHI, ACM SIGCHI journals).