Martin Glavin received the B.E. degree in electronic engineering and a Ph.D. in the area of algorithms and architectures for high-speed data communications systems from the National University of Ireland (NUI), Galway, Ireland, in 1997 and 2004, respectively. and the Higher Diploma in Third Level Education in 2007. He was a Lecturer (fixed term contract) from September 1999 to December 2003 and became a permanent member of academic staff in January 2004.
He is currently the Joint Director of the Connaught Automotive Research (CAR) Group, NUI Galway. He is also a Funded Investigator in Lero, the Irish Software Research Centre. He currently has a number of Ph.Ds and postdoctoral researchers working in collaboration with industry in the areas of signal processing and embedded systems for automotive and agricultural applications. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers and more than 80 peer-reviewed conference papers.
Martin hopes to supervise projects in the area of sensing in challenging environments, such as the surrounds of an agricultural tractor for off-field applications, when large, fast, powerful tractors (and their attachments) need to navigate narrow roads and small farmyards. Successful applicants will need to be highly motivated and able to develop and deploy reliable and rugged hardware (sensors, communications, embedded systems), and develop software to address the challenges posed by the highly challenging agricultural environment. Projects in this area will have a high impact because they have the potential to save lives on and off the farm, which has been identified as one of the most dangerous workplaces in the 21st century.